The widest selection of holiday homes in Slovakia
Save money by renting directly from the owner - no booking fees!
Historic cottages, log cabins, luxury holiday houses or villas, private apartments, cozy guesthouses:
dream vacation homes in the Slovakia to fit all desires.
Over 150,000 stays realized every year make us the leading holiday homes website in the Czech Republic and Slovakia..
More options
Accommodation by object type
By destination
- White Carpathians (Bílé Karpaty)
- Javorniky (Javorníky)
- Low Tatras (Nízké Tatry)
- High Tatras (Vysoké Tatry)
- Kysuce
- Liptov
- Western Tatras (Západní Tatry)
- Spisska Magura (Spišská Magura)
- Little Fatra (Malá Fatra)
- Oravske Beskid Mountains (Oravské Beskydy)
- Great Fatra (Velká Fatra)
- Povazsky Inovec (Považský Inovec)
- Slovak Paradise (Slovenský ráj)
- Southern Slovakia (Jižní Slovensko)
- Sulovske and Strazovske vrchy (Sulovské a Strážovské vrchy)
- Oravska Magura (Oravská Magura)
- Stiavnicke Hills (Štiavnické vrchy)
- Eastern Carpathians (Východní Karpaty)
- Pieniny
- Slovak Rudohori (Slovenské rudohoří)
- Little Carpathians (Malé Karpaty)
- Danubian Uplands (Podunajská pahorkatina)
Our selection
Why ? capitalizes on more than 15 years of experience in operating (understand Our website offers the widest selection of accommodation directly from the owners in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. More than 13,000 owners are currently using our website to market their property. presents selected holiday homes whose owners can communicate in English and thus help you with all the necessary arrangements. Our trusted selection includes holiday homes that have been advertised with us for at least 1 year.
How it works?
- Look up one or more properties of your liking
- On the property description page, use ‘Contact owner’ to specify your request and send it directly to the owner.
- The owner will respond to the email address provided by you.
- You will make all the arrangements via email communication with the owner. We recommend having important aspects such as the price, booking conditions, cancellation fees and other special requirements clearly agreed upon in the exchange of emails.
- You will also get the owner’s phone number to assist you upon your arrival should you need it.